Monday, June 23, 2008

Most enjoyable places

I’ve been thinking of the places I enjoy most in the world. My favorite places to be, the most inspiring. The first, and best, place that came to mind was Watkins Mill State Park. The place has appeal on several different levels. First, it is the place of many fond childhood memories. I spent some fun-filled summer das and nights there with my family, cousins and friends. It was the epitome of my childhood – bikes, bugs, bonfires and beach fun. It’s also the place of many fond adult memories – that first camping trip with Amanda and Tricia without parents, all the way to my birthday camping trip this past year. Surrounding a campfire with friends and hot dogs? The best. Campfires, to me, are one of the most soothing, beautiful things. Watkins Mill also has quietness about it that I appreciate. I’ve done some great reflections and meditations while walking the bike trail. I also love the drive it takes to get there. A second favorite place of mine is pretty different to the tranquility of Watkins Mill - the Kansas City City Market. It’s another beloved place of my childhood. It’s where I first started to go my own way, step outside the mold, with ear cuffs, cacti and tie dye. As an adolescent, it was an exciting place full of new things, as an adult, it represents things I have a great interest in – individual skills and crafts, homegrown food, small businesses, originality, muti-cultural interactions and exposure to new things. I am leaning towards self-sustainability more and more and greatly praise those who already are. I support the small businesses and favor handmade original pieces of art that’s more expensive to factory-made cookie-cutter cheaper things. The City Market is fresh tomatoes, grapes, roasted corn, plants, herbs, jewelry, culture and beauty. It’s coffee and the city, honey and musicians. These two place are very dear to me; they are just two of many such places that keep coming to mind when I’m so far from home.

I remember sitting at the Brass Rail with Tricia and Amanda that last time and talking about the future. Helping Devon move into her apartment. Susie’s house at night with the living room lamps on, the whole house clean and empty, the old-fashioned feel to it. Memories and people have also popped into my mind recently. I’m not sure if it’s homesickness or what. Sure, I miss everything, but I know that after a day or week, perhaps, it would become old news. I’m trying to find new comforts and memories here.

One was found at Lake Mainstay this past weekend. Mary, Beth and I had gone to Karishma's host family's house to speak with her host sister about a KEEPRAH assignment. They next day they invited us to the lake to celebrate Karishma’s birthday. Beth, Morgan and I went with them (Mary had already left for her volunteer visit) and it was a blast. The water felt good, no bugs were around, and we played catch with some piece of fruit… I had a good time with my fellow trainees and with Karishma’s host family. While I was in the coke-colored water, a cousin tossed me a mango – I dropped it and it sank – who knew mangos didn’t float? He tossed me another one and I dropped that too – but I vowed to get it and dove down for it. I got it, bit a tear in the peel and enjoyed a warm, sweet mango right there in the water. It was so good. There are these little things like that here that are pretty enjoyable. I had 7 Curry again today at the 13-day for the two men who died in the accident. There’s something too cool about eating 7 types of veggie curry with your hand out of a big leaf. I also got a lot of Prasad, this doughy sweet treat, which I love. Before and after eating, we washed our hands with a pitcher pouring water and a pot catching it underneath. The little things.

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