Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm of the opinion that...

silence is golden.
less is more.

That is all. For the moment.

Ok, I have more - I'm copying a past blog entry I wrote on Xanga that sort of follows suit of these two cliches.

I wonder what would happen if there was a global gauge of the spoken word, and a limit - like CO2 limits or something - that, when reached, no more words could be spoken because there's no more room in the atmosphere for the noise, the "hot air," the..... maybe there's actual invisible words floating around, piling up in invisible clumps. Maybe humidity is really an excess of words in the air.

Would people think about the quality of their words before they said them, judging if the expense of those words were really necessary? Would we discover that, when thought out, being concise can be just as effective at expression as being loquacious? Would we discover that many of the words we speak are simply verbal gluttony? Would being careful with words make us more introspective, make the quality of the words we DO speak so much more evocative? Would we respect time, as something needed for effective communication? Would we revel in the silence?

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