Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Two-Way Street

It’s a two-way street, give and take on each end. I’m finally realizing that to teach someone successfully, that person has to be an active part in that. One side can’t plow through something with no feedback, reception, output. Even with a transfer of knowledge /skills, the learner has to aid and abet. Good teachers help make good learners, but good learners also make good teachers.

A concrete example: Adults Night. It’s free adults’ time in the library with the computers. I make the computers (and myself) available but still, the night seems mostly wasted. I think, “I should make it more like a class, fill the time with guided content, because I am not helping or teaching these guys anything new and all they’re doing is watching movies.” But then Maisie comes in, a good teacher, and shows me what an active (and yes, good) learner is. She asks questions, she nods her head in understanding, she tries new things. She pulls out the knowledge and passion from me.

There is so much I could show abut the computers and therefore so much others could learn… but it can’t always just be the teacher dumping on the learner. Meet me halfway, show me what you want to learn, respond to what I am putting out there. I feel fulfilled as a helper and knowledge was definitely shared - tonight, at least.

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