Thursday, November 19, 2009

Some of the expressions heard down here:

That's a must/ a moose/ a mosquito. Sure, you bet, of course.
Ya sight/ yes ay. Yes/ do you see? understand?
Yo got for catch it, ya sight. 'Ketch it' is to take advantage of something, make the most of it.
You dun-no/ You dunno, child. You have no idea, yes, definitely
Exactly my point!
Ena-do! (yes-do) A way to say yes, Makushi-English.
Don't feel no way. Don't be upset, don't get vexed.

Catch yuhself. Get your bearings, wake up, sober up.
De pon y'heights. Watch how you're behaving, chill.
Ee.... Another way to say yes.
I doubt!/You lie. I don't believe it! That's surprising.
So I hear/so you say.
Ardey!!! I think it literally means 'dirty' but it's also used for when someone's done something you don't believe or like. Like maybe a 'no way!'
Fo' trut! Seriously! For real! Really!
Isn't that so? Don't you agree? Of course you agree, because I tell you it is so, so you might as well just say 'yes' or ena or ena-do.
Ya undastand? See what I'm saying? Know what I'm talking about?
Go long (bai)! Get out of here! Keep on!
Umthing. When you can't think of the word you want to use, you say the... um... thing.' it gets contracted/compounded into 'umthing' This can be for a person, place or thing.
You make I friken!/You make I laugh! They say me when ur supposed to say I and I when you're supposed to say me.
Please for your pencil, please for some pepper sauce, etc. Please give/lend me your pencil, please hand me or pass me the pepper sauce.
Waro up! Emulgang! Eat! Come and get it! Wapishana and Makushi, respectively
Scunt! Sckite! Scores! Oh shit! Wow, whoa! Ooops! Gosh!
De 'pon. Literally 'there, upon' "Where's the book? It's de 'pon the table.' But also when used like 'What u de 'pon?' It's like, what's bothering you, what are you doing right now, what's your task. If someone says 'Hey, dis banna de 'pon skunt' they're saying he's being stupid, doesn't know what he's doing or talking about.
I tell youuuuu!!!!!! If you'd believe this story, whew! As in "Watah comin high, rainy season de 'pon, I tell youuuuuuu!'
Whaaaaaa!!!!!! or Whaaaaaa???????? This can be an 'ooooooooh! a woot woooooo! a heyyyyyyy! or a what's goin on HERE? it's normally said with a twinkle in eye.
I like DA! It's a good thing, I'm liking the vibes that's happening here. 'da' as in THAT.
Wha tha ras? WTF??????

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