Friday, June 18, 2010

Where There is No Doctor

"Quick! What do you do in an emergency?"
-"Call my mum!"

That about sums it up. That, and if it's really bad - call 911. Because you know you'll get relief, you know you'll get your wound repaired. There's someone out there, with the magic words, touches and tablets that'll make it go away and get better. You assume it. "It'll be OK." "Do this and it'll be better." How sheltered, lucky, provided for are we?

What happens when this isn't so? Nothing to depend on, no expected understanding or solutions, securities. It is out there.

No neck braces, no defibrillators, no other beeping machines, no white jacket that indicates authority, knowledge and instruction.

What if you never have that feeling of "It's ok. It's good. I am safe, I am looked after."

Doctors. Parents. GOD.

Life without these securities? Dimmed. ?

"Don't worry about a thing, cuz every little thing's gonna be all right." - Bob Marley. Well, that's one take on things.

But - What, then, do you DO?

The posts after this, the one's marked "Where There Is No Doctor," are different encounters of accidents and emergencies I've witnessed or been a part of here in Guyana. I think the instances themselves provoke sufficient thought into the realities and frailties of life in all corners of the world.

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