Friday, August 22, 2008

Confessions of a PCV:

Since I know these two years will be probably the most important, character-building, growth inspiring years of my life, I have no desire to bow out of them. BUT – I do wish they would pass quickly. As in, already be over, done my time, grown and am better for it and can move onto bigger and better things. I wish these two years were over.

Sometimes it seems easy to sit still for two years, work at a school and a library, be friendly with my neighbors and let the time pass as I read, listen to music and swing in my hammock. Other times, it seems like an eternity – a sentence to be served where expectations are all over and the threat hanging of not living up to those expectations.

Sometimes I understand every day doesn’t have to be momentous, that the days and weeks WILL easily add up, and that time can be the best way to get to know people and my community. Sometimes, though, I fear there are unspoken (or maybe they are spoken) deadlines that I may be failing to meet. People I am failing to connect with. Research or preparations I am failing to work at. I don’t just want to revel at being a Peace Corps Volunteer, I want to be a good and effective Peace Corps Volunteer. Well, part of me does.

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