Friday, August 15, 2008

The Elder Gods, David and Leigh Eddings

I picked this up in the PC lounge, figuring that with all the heavy books I was borrowing, I should get an easier, entertaining read. I like mythological stories, and right there in the title was talk of gods, so why not? Well, it’s certainly an EASY read. A fluff book, to be completely honest. It amazes me they filled 500 pages with that lack of a story. It’s what I’d call an airplane book; something you buy at the airport and read while you’re in transit. Something to occupy your brain, bur nothing too stimulating.

The story was just too easy. The characters seemed more like demi-gods, the lines were cheesy, the conflict not believable as well as too weak. Stories, lines and situations repeated themselves and despite the long flowing paragraphs, not much seemed to happen.

It IS a concrete/ complete story, regardless, which I give credit for, it just seems like it was done by an amateur. It’d e an impressive first novel for a high school guy. It’s hard to believe they stretched the story into at trilogy. I wouldn’t be opposed to finding out how the rest goes, though I don’t plan on being impressed or literarily fulfilled.

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