Monday, December 15, 2008

The Giggles

I've had (and heard) the giggles a lot lately. Possibly one of the most enjoyable sensations. Delight, giddiness, humor (or sometimes lack of humor) and an overall pleasant feeling or sensation that comes over you. And then there's second-hand giggling, that comes from hearing someone else's giggles and being compelled to giggle, too.

Besides the slight giggles I experience at least once a day, I started a phase of really good giggles the other day -

Sunday, while fishing (or trying to) in Simoni. Despite the abundance of fish in the river, the quality of lure I was using and the time and mental effort put into catching something, I could not. All the others around me were pulling them in left and right, but me - nothing. Towards the end of the day, the boats' concentration was on me getting a fish. "OK, you're gonna catch one now, I can feel it," Fernando would say. But its as if fate's plan was for me to NOT catch a fish that day. As for why, I'm not sure, but apparently she was serious about it. So upon considering all this, plus reflecting on this particular need of mine to ensnare a fish through the mouth, and then pull it onto the boat by myself, I began to get the giggles. Tee hee hee... It didn't help me catch a fish, but it made the disappointment easier.

Wednesday - camp out with Wildlife Club on the sandbank. Russian and I had supervised the set up of camp, volleyball, dinner and we gave a brief speech of welcome and shout out to WC activities. We later went on a nature walk, looking for any sort of creatures. It was kind of silly, because no doubt our noise level had scared off anything interesting, and so we kind of just found regular things to study. As the torchlights were shined around, I could hear a group of people, Russian included, debating on whether a form in the tree was a bird or not. I was only half paying attention, but I did notice a rock being thrown into the air at the tree. Something took flight and at the same time I put two and two together, Russian says "Yep. It's a bird." For some reason, the unnecessary declaration greatly amused me and I had the giggles for several minutes over it.

Later that night, after some alcohol, we go to our hammocks. Chris is fumbling with his net, Franzea is conked out, I'm silent, but Shamir is giggling. No other sound, just giggling, then stop. After 30 seconds to a minute, again. No idea why. So every time he'd laugh, I'd start to join in. "Hee, hee hee..." -"Hee, hee hee!" Apparently, he was laughing at Chris, struggling with his hammock.

Friday - Bike ride. No breaks, night time, unfamiliar terrain, mud, loose gravel, wavering, steering. Not been on a bike in years. Giggles WHILE pedaling.

Some say "Just breathe," others say "Just dance;" I'm going with "Just giggle."

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