Monday, January 12, 2009

Missing Paste, Part 2

As I sit at the Buckney "restaurant" in my village, eating delicious fish curry with rice and the crunchiest farine ever, drinking lime juice, anticipating a batch of fish cakes later, and gaffing with my friend/co-worker about working together in my garden, it starts to rain, as it has been doing steadily for a couple weeks now. I breathe in, and smile, content and so happy to be where I am and do what I'm doing.

A far cry from where I was on Friday, no?
Since those dark morning hours of Friday, much has happened.

-A nighttime bike ride through the savanna to a party a couple miles away. Full moon, a bike without breaks and a bicyclist who hasn't ridden in years following her trusted friend who chivalrously offered to ride the bike that was missing a pedal. Lovely adventure.
-A heart-to-heart with that friend; it may be the first conversation I've had with someone here where I felt I could be completely open with thoughts and feelings. This was done in the middle of the savanna under the full moon while propping up the bikes. Lovely bonding time.
-Burnt finger and thumbtips. Sorry, story not included.
-A game of Rat Slap that began on Saturday and has yet to end. (Both of us are still carrying around our cards). We turned it into a drinking game, it worked well; I've never laughed so hard at cards. For anyone who's interested, we said whoever throws an Ace down, the next person has to take a drink before their 4 chances to put down a face card. Ace, because there's a greater chance they'll change hands, therefore mixing up who has to drink.
-Being smelled (I hope I was pleasing to the nostrils).
-Getting impaled by an arrow by a trusted friend. I have a puncture wound. Mr. Joe Canada thought he'd have fun with a decorative, miniature bow and arrow set lying around CH. So all I know is, I look up to see Mike pointing and releasing it, next thing I know, a foot-long arrow with a 2 inch cow bone arrow is stuck in my arm. As far as injuries and illnesses go so far, it sure beats lice, but wow. Contemplated forms of revenge include a staple gun to the tush, but it's still up in the air.
-My first in tandem hammock relax. Sassy.
-Cooking a healthy amount of fried farine for the boys and guests and succeeding.
-Had a good time with an interesting guy in a completely pressure-free, open environment. Pleasant. I'm still trying to figure out the Rupununi Men; slowly, but surely. Or not at all, whichever.

The kinds of things that makes Friday just a tiny footnote on this epic journey. Granted, the issues are still there, needing to be dealt with; just times like this weekend make the issues easier to handle, and more worth it.

Balance, balance.

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