Sunday, July 5, 2009

Breakfast Smiles

I Amuse Me.
Breakfast: Attempt at “good” bakes.(Bakes are a form of fried bread, aka flour and water). Got hot water hotting on one burner for coffee and small pan of oil hotting for the bakes. I need to melt butter – a “good” bakes key ingredient- but no room. I get a spoonful of butter and hold it near the hotting water, a quick solution. The scoop of butter, being bigger than the actual spoon, presents a problem. A melt-and-drain technique is born. Bakes are rolled and then set to fry. Temperature is adjusted and bakes are scrutinized. They never really puff up as they should. Garlic and onions are chipped for the fried eggs and a tin can is made ready to pour the hot oil in after the bakes so the same pan can be used again for the eggs. (Limited number of burners and pan makes you thrifty like that).

Coffee water is hot and instant coffee is made, successfully. Bakes finally finish and the oil is taken to the sink, pouring into the held tin can begins. Of course, it doesn’t go straight into the can. Oil burns. I keep up the pace, however, and get the onions/garlic frying and go collect rainwater falling from my roof to soak my hand in. Got my right hand stationary in water, my left sautéing onions then cracking the eggs. Get eggs fried without losing the yolk. Eat standing up in my cooking cubby. Hard flat bakes break up the yolk and cut pieces of the egg and I scoop them, uncivilizedly, into my mouth, all the while my right hand is in water nursing oil burns. A typical meal at Chéz Sarah.

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