Monday, July 20, 2009


During my last trip to Town, I had a couple wonderful exchanges with one of my kindred spirits, Chase. Among a plethora of other things, we talked about different forms of love. He uses the word ‘love’ a lot, and he says he thinks it’s not used enough. He often WILL say “I love my life,” with a laugh, or “Love it.” He has that cheerful, optimistic side to him that’s infectious, but he also is a very deep, pensive, beautifully creative person that I am drawn to and can be quite open with him, something that usually takes awhile in any relationship. I do love him.

I HAVE found myself using the ‘L’ word more here. It started with Meena, my host mom. She said it to me and I said it back - and then realized I meant it. Feeling that level of something for a person is wonderful, especially in a place away from home. Adoration, connection, admiration, and an overall feeling of being blessed to have them in your life, helping and adding to your journey. Certain PCVs like Chase, my beloved Region 9 volunteers and a few others, and some co-workers and friends in the village. The different kinds of love I have for these people is beautiful.

And then realizing how much you truly do love those you already thought you knew you loved so much back home. Family. My old, close friends, some newer but just as important ones, too. Saying it to these people gives me such a good feeling, too. Some people I say it openly to, others, no. But the feelings are there.

I think here, emotions are on a much more sharper level. The relationships you DO have with people here can become lifelines and therefore, intensified. You realize how precious your loved ones back home are. You appreciate the stability, the connection with people. It makes you feel. And love more.

And love what your circumstances are doing to you. Love it.

“Always love…” – Nada Surf

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