Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Puppies with a Side of Anteaters

~A day in the life…
So, I’m getting a puppy and I just got to see them after being 2 weeks away – they’re 6 weeks old now and romping around and are adorable! I chose a girl and she’s snowy white. I wanted a black dog and was gonna name her Bonny, short for Bonita, but the white one doesn’t seem like a Bonny, so I’m not sure on a name yet, but I’m excited about bringing her home. And CH temporarily befriended a baby anteater. Mike fed it a chunk of an anthill with some dog food mixed in. It fiercely growled when anyone came by, though it was pretty apparent it has no teeth to maim with… but it had some hella long claws! I was relieved to discover that the huge back half of it was only it’s bushy, bushy tail; for awhile, I was under the impression that anteaters had their legs disproportionately in the middle of their body and their rear flopped around quite awkwardly. The things you learn. Just one of the many tidbits I’ve acquired during my time here.

So, all this “It’s been a year” stuff has got me re-assessing different things, significant AND petty. Significant, like, “Am I really doing enough? And “What are my goals for this next year?” But there’s been some random petty ones that have been creeping in, too. Like “Ok, this window has been missing it’s hook and eye thing for a year now… maybe it’s time to fix it?” or “I’ve had this plastic floral laminate stuff on my counter for a year now… how tattered IS it?” or “Oh yeah, I need to replace the filter in my water thing,” and “Is it time to start decorating?” and “I bet I could pay someone to sew me new couch covers,” and “I’ve had this Phase 10 game for a year now and haven’t played it once.” And “I have YET to find an ideal and permanent location for my clean clothes.” And “Man! Those tin cans really pile up after a year… who knew they wouldn’t burn like the rest of my garbage? It looks like a junk yard out there!” And “Ok, how many times HAVE I read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in the past 12 months??” Not to mention "Hey, I haven't had to get another gas thing for my stove the entire time I've been here - does that say something about my cooking, or lack thereof?"

It’s nice to put things in perspective like that. Help me make some changes. And make changes I have! That laminate is GONE! The windows are almost fixed! And I counted, and yup, pretty sure it’s been half a dozen times I’ve read that book. Sure, I could get another book to read, but why mess with a good thing?

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