Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday, Funday

I get "left behind again" on a trip to Shulinab and I couldn't care less. CH crew has been out and about lately and I've either missed the ride or didn't look for the ride. I don't like being overlooked, but I don't mind being left behind. For one, there's a delicious quiet time when everyone is out. But, also -

Can they understand how rewarding, enjoying and just plain FUN it is to hang around in the village?

Games on the sandbank of the Rups River this afternoon. Fifty people, more or less, all around, bathing, washing and sports - East side vs. West side. Taking in the water, sun, the landscape; watching people enjoying themselves; reveling in the fact that we have this all the time; PARTICIPATING in the activities and laughing, running and playing...

I tried to take it all in - Clifton with his busted knee giving me and Franzea a ride down, Oswin wearing Delene's tights to bathe because he only walked with long pants, Cindy with her mass of long, thick hair wound up in a massive bun, Dillon in his Dolce & Cabana t-shirt that beautifully clung to his ripped upper body; Oren, Myron and other young boys donning sage branches as hats or cammo and dancing and maneuvering the river; Vaughn swimming all decked out in long pants, shirt, jacket, had and shades; Mark sitting in the water with HIS chiq shades; Novellena bathing and playing in her cubbing-like top, and tons of kids running all over in excitement and energy.

A CD player was brought down and music was playing. The water at the river is low, has been lately, low enough to have ample sandbanks and mostly effortless to swim/wade across. Volleyball net was set up and girls played first: Cindy, Delene, Florencia, Franzea and me making up East side and Juliet, Lornita, Kelly, Alice and someone esle for West side. Oh, we had some great volleys! I forgot how fun it is to play in the sand. It was relaxed, yet serious at the same time. Easy to play with these girls. We lost, 1 to 3. My arms got red from the hard ball, got sand all over, but I hardly noticed. Games finished and the girls walked into the river to rinse off and cool down.

Boys played - Dillon, Vaughn, Oswin and Abla for East side, Roland, Mark, Andrew for West side. The guys are GOOD. Oswin, though short, packs a lot of energy, muscle and precision. Then came football, which I initially said I'd just watch, but then joined in anyway. It was surprisingly exciting. Though there was the hazard of sand in your eye/mouth and there was a strict hands-off rule, it was somehow easier for me to jump in there for kicking, chasing and trying to steal the ball. Musta been the sand. It definitely is a contact, coordination and endurance sport. I think these periods only lasted 20 minutes long, and I was grateful for that. I kept up well enough. Franzea said after "I didn't know you could move like that!" We tied, then did a shoot out thing and eventually, West Side won.

Boys started playing, but Frannie and me crossed back over, bathed (it started to rain, just adding to the beauty - and of course, everyone carried on as normal), and we got another ride up from Clifton. It was just... great. I felt happy, light, connected, in the moment, appreciative.

I know I wouldn't have had much of a chance to feel that way had I gone to Shulinab with "the crew." Speaking of crews, Dillon mentioned a trip to Mapari over Easter! That'd be GREAT! The best of both worlds, right? Getting out and about, and doing it with a village 'crew.' I'm quite excited for it, and this time, I'd walk much more prepared than last time.

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