Saturday, January 23, 2010

Christmas in January

Christmas passed in a quiet way. Some parts were harder than last year, some parts were better. It was harder because I had higher expectations of enjoying myself which did not come to fruit. It was easier because I only managed a slight cold instead of lice, like last year. It was better because I made a decision and stuck with it to spend my New Years with CH buddies down south at a place called Saddle Mountain, and I actually enjoyed myself, too. Spent it as I imagined a young single adult would. Houseful of different people, sleeping in a hammock, bathing at the creek, cooking and eating in mass quantities, dancing up and a nice countdown to 2010.

But the spirit of the Holidays actually hit this month, with a few different instances:

Three Christmas packages obtained Wednesday the 13th from Home, Devon and Uncle Steve. Dev had a bunch of little things wrapped in Christmas paper - I loved it. I swear I could smell Devon in the wrapping paper. Uncle Steve sent tiny tree ornaments, a stocking and candy canes. Can't wait 'til next year to get a makeshift tree and trim that tropical bad boy! He also sent tons of books, some old ones he had, one in particular, a book that Mom and Dad had given him. I knew this because Dad had written an inscription on the inside cover, with the year. Mom and Dad sent a tin of holiday chocolate covered pretzels and a bag of Hershey's kisses. <3

Aunt Lisa posted pics on Facebook of Christmas Eve at Nana and Papa's. I'll say it again: My family is Beautiful. I drank you all in, from your smiles, to your poses, to my dad's swishy pants, even to Nana's microwave buttons. I sat in the library last Thursday morning with tears in my eyes as I perused the pics. THERE was my Holiday spirit. Goodness.

Tonight - Peanut Butter cookies with kisses in the middle! Ay ay ay!!!!!

My dissected Christmas has come to a close, and I feel at peace.

1 comment:

MArty said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm. Hope you "feel" us in your heart, 'cause that's where you are here ........ in our hearts. Glad to know you felt a part of the Ambriz Family Christmas experience. I intend to place my Christmas photos on that Walmart Site - as soon as I figure out how.
